Floral Occasions

Fresh Bouquet Gifting

A seasonal selection of wild, weird and romantic blossoms and foliages. Pulled together in val.ent.een fashion for a sculpture-like gift. Wrapped in white & ribboned. Bouquets are made to order and delivered each Friday.

Corporate Fresh Floral Arrangements

Elevate with flowers in your office space, window displays or shop counters and other special events. Delivered weekly or fortnightly, Wednesdays & Fridays. 

Party/Event Fresh Floral Arrangements

Bebe Showers, Engagement Parties, Doe Shows or Dinner Parties are a V a l . e n t . e e n  specialty! Flowers are the finishing touch to make your event special. Fresh flowers, foliages and even some fruits. Down the centre of your long lunch table or up on the bar top. Delivered Wednesdays & Fridays.


Romantic, ethereal florals to make your most special day even more beautiful. Ceremony, Reception and Bridal party pieces. Enquire now for a customised quote for remaining 22/23’ dates.